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What We Do

Frederick Farm has been home to rescue goats since 2013..

We recognize each as a distinct personality, worthy of our empathy, respect and care.

We are committed to providing a loving home and sanctuary to as many goats in need of rescue as we can

and sharing these unique creatures with the public to promote empathy, understanding of the species,

and to encourage the happiness and well-being of both and goats and

 the humans that meet them through the principles of animal-assisted therapy.


Home For Life

To us, adopting an animal is a lifetime commitment. We are committed to providing the very best life possible to the goats who call Frederick Farm "home". That includes quality food, comfortable spaces to sleep, adequate space to move about, proper recreation and stimulation, safety from harm, medical care and lots and lots and lots of attention. 


Our Dream

What started as a respite home for two lost and abandoned farm animals, has turned into a dream to expand the mission and scope 0f empathy and appreciation for goats. Frederick Farm Goat Rescue and Sanctuary aims to file for proper non-profit organization status in due time and is committed to working as a partner and resource to other fellow animal rescues in the area. 


How You Can Help

Come Visit! We absolutely love having visitors come to meet us! We will introduce you to each of the goats (and chickens if interested) to learn more about them and their background stories, and we will bombard you with tons of goat fun facts! There will be plenty of time for hugs, scratches, photo ops and to feed them some of their favorite treats! Weather dependent, an intro is followed by a hike through marked trails on our 15 acre property with the herd, who enjoy navigating the trails and clearing some brush along the way! 

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